A warning against fraudulent e-mails

We would like to warn you against sending fake e-mails aimed at phishing for personal data.

We would like to remind you that the correct internet address of ACTION S.A. only contains the domain of @action.pl and redirection to www.action.pl, which has a valid certificate.

Please be advised that e-mails containing other domain addresses are not sent by the ACTION S.A.

Please therefore treat such a message as SPAM, do not reply to it under any circumstances, do not activate the attached links or open the attachments. It is best to delete the message from the inbox and the recycle bin (deleted items) of the e-mail!

Please remain vigilant.

If you are not sure from whom the suspicious message originates, please contact the helpline directly and enquire about the details of the email you have received at tel.: (+48 22) 332 16 00 or email address: alert@action.pl