
Key financial data*

ACTION S.A. Capital Group 1Q 2022 2Q 2022 3Q 2022 4Q 2022 1Q 2023 2Q 2023 3Q 2023 4Q 2023
Profit and Loss Account
Revenue from sales 550 867 564 396 577 101 674 592 586 243 560 030 640 967 723 197
Gross profit (loss) on sales 48 519 48 856 49 711 59 786 50 884 50 270 54 006 65 729
% 8,81% 8,66% 8,61% 8,86% 8,68% 8,98% 8,43% 9,09%
Operating profit (loss) 13 355 9 447 10 497 19 473 11 042 6 405 9 956 16 666
2,40% 1,70% 1,82% 2,89% 1,90% 1,10% 1,55% 2,30%
Net profit attributable to the Company's shareholders 10 277 7 482 12 213 18 970 9 256 5 175 8 134 14 203
Net cash flows from operating activities -8 003 46 239 581 17 774,00 38 002 42 795 34 774 69 081
Net cash flows from investment activities -868 -697 -2 074 -5 774,00 -540 -6 788 -6 869 -15 136
Net cash flows from financing activities -145 -334 -512 -8 675,00 -17 561 -28 281 -33 089 -34 386
Total net cash flows -9 016 45 208 -2 005 3 325 19 901 7 726 -5 184 19 559
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period 43 561 97 785 50 572 55 902 75 803 63 628 50 718 75 461

* Values in the table above given in PLN are used to visualize data and are only illustrative. The official source of financial information is interim reports (individual and consolidated) of ACTION S.A.